Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Vaping

Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Vaping

And 2 facts you may have never heard before!

24 May 2022 | Hannah Rubery

Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Vaping (Image)

You may have already heard some of these facts about vaping but they’re so important to hear, that we can’t help but say them again. But just in case we’ve included a couple you might not know about.

1. Most importantly – vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking

This figure has been thrown around a lot and for good reason. Back when Public Health England first reviewed E-Cigarettes in the UK, they concluded that vaping was 95% less harmful than smoking. There are various reasons for this figure but primarily this is because vaping does not include the thousands of harmful carcinogens that are present in cigarettes.

The process of burning and inhaling tobacco smoke creates these carcinogens, many of which are cancer-causing. Even though there are hot debates around the globe about the safety of vaping, it is universally agreed that vaping is much less harmful than smoking.

2. The UK has some of the strictest regulations for E-Cigarettes in the world

In the UK we value not only safety but the quality of our products and this extends to vaping. Originally, the EU created the TPD guidelines that govern many of the regulations around tobacco-containing products, but after Brexit, the UK amended and created their own version of this ruleset called the TRPR (Tobacco & Related Products Regulations 2016). These regulations stipulate nicotine strengths, banned ingredients, tank sizes, marketing rights and much more. These strict guidelines it has allowed the UK to truly flourish with vaping as a positive quit-smoking tool.

3. Vaping is touted as an even greater smoking cessation tool than traditional NRTs

There have been numerous studies, especially in the UK, that have looked at vaping and its role in smoking cessation. Recent studies in the UK have continued to show that vaping not only is a commonly chosen method for smokers looking to quit, but also generates a higher quit rate than any other method. This could be those who vaped solely or those who vaped alongside other NRTs (Nicotine Replacement Therapy).

4. Vaping is much cheaper than smoking

Everyone will tell you that vaping is far cheaper than smoking, and of course quitting altogether is even cheaper! But you’d be surprised just how much you spend on smoking. You can find out just how much you spend, and how much you could save, with this handy tool from the NHS.

On average though, when making the switch from smoking to vaping, you are spending 3.5x less than you would if you still smoked. Cigarettes are heavily taxed in the UK in an effort to help curb the smoking problem and get the country smoke-free by 2030. Smoking was never cheap in the first place but now even the cheapest packet of cigarettes is almost £10 – it quickly adds up.

Although the initial cost of getting your vape kit may seem like more than what you’d pay for your cigarettes, overall, you’ll be saving yourself hundreds of pounds a year.

Check out this article for a breakdown on the expenses of vaping compared to smoking.

Nexus feature, shortfills (Image)

5. Studies have found vaping can help restore lung defence

There have been countless studies looking at the effects of vaping on those who have switched from smoking, but one study has shown the potential benefits clearer. They looked at smokers who switched to vaping. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that are toxic to cilia (tiny hairlike structures on our lungs that trap and move harmful substances) and increase mucus production.

This damage is evident in the increased risk of lung infections and inflammation. However, the study noted that smokers who switched to vaping found the process of MCC (mucociliary clearance; a body mechanism conducted by cilia) had improved to rates similar to non-smokers.

Did you know that vape devices were first popular in Asia?

E-Cigarettes were first developed in China by a Chinese pharmacist by the name of Hon Lik. He designed and patented an E-Cigarette that allowed smokers for the first time, to be able to inhale nicotine without the harmful carcinogens associated with cigarettes. At this time, E-Cigarettes were also called “Ruyan” which roughly translates to “like smoke” in English.

Did you know you can love a flavour of vape juice too much?

Have you ever noticed that your beloved flavour of vape juice suddenly doesn’t taste the same? Or even worse, tastes of nothing at all? Chances are you’ve managed to give yourself vapers tongue. This happens when you vape a certain flavour repeatedly, the tastebuds of your tongue get fatigued and no longer recognise the flavour properly. It’s quite a common vaping problem that occurs and luckily, easy to remedy.

Check out our previous article on vapers tongue for more information.

If you’re still on the fence about making the switch to vaping, then check out our blogs on why you should quit, and how you can quit easier with Pod Salt. We offer a wide range of products tailored specifically for smokers looking to quit. Designed to Hit the Spot, you won’t need to worry about nicotine cravings when you have Pod Salt on hand.