Vape Tongue - A Serious Problem or A Small Bother?

Vape Tongue - A Serious Problem or A Small Bother?

Far from a new thing, vaper's tongue is a common problem that's easily fixed.

1 August 2023 | Hannah Rubery

Vape Tongue - A Serious Problem or A Small Bother? (Image)

In the world of vaping, users often encounter a myriad of experiences that can be either delightful or perplexing. One such concern that has sparked a significant amount of discussion is the phenomenon known as "vapers tongue", or "vape tongue". While vaping has swept the globe as a popular alternative to traditional smoking, it also brings along its share of potential side effects.

For some, the fear of these side effects can cause worry and hesitation. However, understanding these potential issues, such as vaper's tongue, can demystify the vaping experience and arm users with the knowledge they need to navigate their vaping journey with confidence.

What is "vaper's tongue"?

"Vapers tongue" is a term that originates from the vaping community, and it describes a situation where a person temporarily loses the ability to taste vape juice. This can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. It's a somewhat misleading term, as it's not your tongue that's the problem, but your sense of taste.

The phenomenon is comparable to the way your nose becomes accustomed to perfume or cologne. If you're around it for too long, you stop noticing its scent. The same happens with vape juice. If you vape the same flavour for too long, your sense of taste can become desensitized, causing what is referred to as "vapers tongue".

Vape Tongue - Healthy tongue (Image)

What causes vaper's tongue

A multitude of factors can contribute to the onset of vapers tongue. The heavy use of intensely flavoured vape juices is a common culprit. As you continually expose your taste buds to the same strong flavours, they can become desensitized, much like how your nose might become immune to a perfume's scent after constant exposure. Poor oral health is another significant contributor. Dentists often caution that vaping can lead to issues with your teeth and gums, which, in turn, can impact your ability to taste. So, maximising your oral health routine should be a must.

Furthermore, inadequate hydration can exacerbate these effects. Vaping tends to dry out your mouth, and without sufficient hydration, your sense of taste can be affected. This phenomenon emphasizes the importance of maintaining good oral health practices and staying hydrated, particularly for those who vape regularly.

Other reasons that could cause a lose of taste

Beyond the factors already mentioned, numerous other health conditions can potentially lead to a loss of taste. For instance, sinus issues, common colds, and flu can temporarily affect your sense of taste, as these conditions can block your sinus passages and impede your sense of smell, which is intrinsically tied to taste perception.

Additionally, vitamin deficiencies, particularly a lack of vitamin B12, could negatively impact your taste buds' functionality. Certain medications are also known to cause taste disturbances, due to their impact on the body's chemoreceptors.

Last but not least, ageing naturally leads to a gradual decline in taste and smell sensitivity. Thus, it's important to understand that a loss of taste isn't solely linked to vaping; a wide array of health and lifestyle factors can contribute to this phenomenon.

Vape Tongue - Vape flavours (Image)

Tips to Avoid Vaper's Tongue

1. Hydrate Consistently: Vaping can dry out your mouth, impacting your sense of taste. Regular hydration can help counteract this effect, ensuring your taste buds remain sensitive and functional. Drink water frequently, especially before and after vaping.
2. Maintain Good Oral Health: Poor oral health can contribute to vaper's tongue. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can help maintain a healthy mouth and a sharp sense of taste. Using good mouthwash can further improve oral hygiene.
3. Rotate Your Vape Juices: Just as your nose becomes desensitized to perfume after constant exposure, your taste buds can become less responsive to a vape juice flavour that is used heavily and repeatedly. Try rotating between different flavours to keep your palate fresh and responsive.
4. Take Regular Vaping Breaks: Continuous vaping can saturate your taste buds, leading to vaper's tongue. Take regular breaks from vaping to give your taste buds a chance to reset.
5. Check Your Health: If you're experiencing a loss of taste, it might not be vaper's tongue. Sinus issues, vitamin deficiencies, and certain medications can all affect your sense of taste. If you're concerned, it might be worth checking with a health professional to rule out any underlying issues.
6. BONUS TIP: If you feel your vape losing flavour, try swapping to a mint/menthol flavour as this can help refresh your tastebuds with its strong flavour.

So should you worry about vaper's tongue?

In conclusion, while "vape tongue" can be an unsettling experience for vapers, it is important to understand that it's typically a temporary and easily remediable condition. With good oral hygiene, consistent hydration, and occasional flavour rotation, vapers can significantly reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon. Therefore, while vaping does come with its share of side effects like any habit or hobby, with the right knowledge and practices, vapers need not be overly concerned about "vape tongue".